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After you have updated your stylesheet, make sure you turn this module off

Hocking College Equestrian Team Finishes Shortened Season

The Hocking College equestrian team competed in their only show of the season last weekend at the Reality Dreams show at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds in Lancaster. Even though it was a cold and rainy day, the team had a blast! The 2020/2021 Equestrian team is Marcus Perko, Nina Goldsmith, Emma Smith, Courtney Easton, Rachael Jungling and Alex Spondike.Equestrian 4

At the show team members won:

  • Equestrian 35th Place English Equitation: Marcus Perko
  • 5th Place Balanced Rider Equitation or Horsemanship (no stirrup class): Rachael Jungling
  • 5th Place Open Ranch Pleasure: Emma Smith
  • 5th Place Open Walk Trot Ranch Pleasure: Courtney Easton
  • Equestrian 25th Place Balanced Rider Equitation and Horsemanship: Courtney Easton
  • 3rd Place Western Horsemanship 19 years and older: Courtney Easton
  • 2nd Place Open Ranch Pleasure: Courtney Easton

Equestrian 1If you're interested in joining the Hocking College Equestrian team, complete the Recruit Me form on the Hocking College Athletics website or contact Coach Arianna Mathias at mathiasa@hocking.edu.

Equestrian 5

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