By definition, an eBook is a book in a digital format that can be read on a computer or handheld device. In conjunction, it’s hard to deny that eBooks have certainly come a very long way in a relatively short period of time.
What began in 1971 as a successful attempt by Michael S. Hart (1947-2011) to digitize the U.S. Declaration of Independence has evolved into a multibillion dollar industry that has thus far generated over twenty billion dollars in revenue.
How Does Hocking's eBooks Help Me?
In case you haven't already noticed, Hocking College recently started offering eBooks to students to help promote programs the school currently offers. In addition to being easily accessible, these eBooks can also be extremely helpful to students for the following reasons:
- Students with disabilities have the opportunity to explore their career options at Hocking College in formats that better accommodate their special needs.
- It's a convenient way to evaluate and explore their career options.
- Students have a more detailed picture of the field they’re considering getting into it.
- Students know exactly how long it will take for them to obtain a specific degree.
- Lets students know how much money they can expect to make in their chosen field.
- Shows what the job prospects are for each career.
- Shows how obtaining specific degrees can provide them with multiple job options once they graduate.
- Makes students aware of any academic requirements that specific careers might demand.
- Lets students know if certain fields have any specific physical requirements.
- Makes students aware of any specific skills they need to succeed in a certain field.
- Suggests traits or qualities that could help students become potential standout job candidates.
- Makes students aware of any special equipment they'll need or need to know how to operate for a program.
- Provides links to specific information students will find useful.
- Presents valid reasons as to why students should enroll at Hocking College and how this choice can benefit them.
- Enlighten students to the fact that Hocking College is the only two-year college in Ohio that offers residence halls.
- Gives parents the peace of mind in knowing that by choosing to attend HC their child will be getting a good education at an extremely reasonable price.
- eBooks are easy to find, download and absolutely never go out of stock.