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New Scholarship is Dead Set on Appealing to Zombie Fans

by Tracey A. Maine on September 7, 2020

If you woke up one morning and discovered that a zombie apocalypse had occurred where would you go? What supplies would you take with you? Who would you take into hiding with you? More importantly, what would you be willing to do to survive?

These are the very questions the Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship is asking college students to answer! 


Unigo.com sponsors the Scholarship Program. Unigo provides students with college reviews, college stats and helps to match them with scholarships. 

How much money is the scholarship worth?

The winner of the Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship will be awarded $2,000.

How can I apply for the scholarship?

Students have until 11:59 p.m., Oct. 31, 2020, to complete the online scholarship application Unigo’s website.

What do I need to include in the application?

  • Applicant’s name and contact information
  • Background details
  • Academic details
  • A short previously unpublished original essay

What’s the zombie part of the scholarship?


In 250 words or less, students must give a written response to the following scenario:

“Imagine that your high school or college has been overrun with zombies. Your math professor, the cafeteria ladies, and even your best friend have all joined the walking dead. Flesh out a plan to avoid the zombies, including where you’d hide and the top-five things you’d bring to stay alive." 

The essay, which must be written in English, should demonstrate the author’s expertise in the areas of spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Are there any guidelines for the essay?

All submissions must be original and creative. Essays that include obscenity, are libelous or could be considered objectionable on any level will be disqualified. 

Also, all submissions will automatically become the property of Unigo.com and will not be returned. 

What requirements do applicants need to meet?

Applicants must be:

  • at least 13 years old at the time of the application
  • a legal resident of the United States
  • currently enrolled in an accredited post-secondary school. 

For more information visit the following check out the Zombie Apocalypse page on Unigo’s website.

If you need help paying for college, check out Hocking College's Grants and Scholarships page.

You can also speak to a Financial Aid counselor by emailing financialaid@hocking.edu or students whose last names begin with A-L should call 740-753-7056, last names M-Z should call 740-753-7058.

Money with text that reads Save a Bundle with Hocking College Apply Today at apply.hocking.edu