So, you never learned how to type, or your skills have declined?
You’re in luck, because typing classes will be offered Wednesday afternoons from 1-2PM in the Academic Success Center located in the Hocking College Library, Davidson Hall, Room 111 from February 12-March 4, 2020.
The best part is the classes are free!

Allison Nowak, manager of library services for Hocking College said the classes will be open to all of the college’s students and staff who want to improve their typing skills.
According to Nowak the inspiration for the class came from some students in the Accessibility Resources program and the Academic Success Center who expressed a desire to improve their typing skills.
Nowak said the classes will be open to both experienced and novice typists — regardless if they had any keyboarding classes before.
She also wanted to assure students who don’t know how to type that they “will have both the privacy to start where (they) need to start and the positivity of a self-motivated typist community.”
Nowak elaborated that the atmosphere in these classes is designed to “celebrate small successes and large successes,” all of which will result in those students who complete the five-week course getting a certificate of achievement.
Since the course is self-paced Nowak said participants don’t have to attended all five session, just complete all of the work.
For more information on this tying class contact Nowak via email at or by phone at 740-753-6338.