When you’re entering college, it’s not unusual to have difficulty pinpointing your desired area of study. Maybe you’re interested in taking classes from two or more programs, as you can’t decide which one to focus on.
Fortunately, many colleges in Ohio provide a solution in the form of an individualized studies program. When you get an individualized studies degree, you can select courses from two or more programs. If this sounds like an option you’d appreciate, check out some of the Ohio schools that offer this degree.
Ohio University
Though Ohio University is a four-year school, it offers several two-year programs. One of them is the Associate in Individualized Studies (AIS) degree. This program requires you to pick at least two areas of study and complete 20 or more hours in each of them. Overall, you need to earn 60 hours and take both quantitative skills and English composition at the freshman level.
Post-graduate outcomes depend largely on which fields of study you choose. As far as cost, if you’re an out-of-state student, expect to pay about $21,000 per year for tuition and fees at Ohio University. If you’re an Ohio resident, tuition is just under $12,000 per year.
Miami University
Another Ohio college that offers an Individualized Studies degree is Miami University. For this program, you need to complete at least 48 hours, with 16 hours being in core courses, 24 in individualized courses and 8 in senior project courses. This is a four-year program, so you’ll get a Bachelor of Arts (BA) when you’re done with it.
Many students who complete this program at Miami University end up in fields that include politics, education, psychology, business and creative arts, but your career path depends on which areas you study. Expect this program to cost about $34,000 per year if you’re from out of state, or just under $15,000 if you’re an Ohio resident.
Hocking College
If you’re looking for a two-year program to earn your Associate of Individualized Studies degree, Hocking College is an excellent option. This Ohio school’s AIS program requires you to complete 60 hours of study spread out among two to four programs.
Many students who complete the AIS program at Hocking College go on to a four-year college and then begin the career of their choice, or even start their own business. Regardless of your future plans, expect to pay about $9,800 per year for tuition and course fees if you’re out of state, or $5,400 if you’re an Ohio resident.
The University of Toledo
If you want a program you can complete mostly online, consider the Individualized Degree Program (IDVP) at the University of Toledo. Depending on your areas of study, you can get either a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS) from this program. To graduate, you need 124 semester hours, and 39 of them have to be from courses at the 3000 or 4000 levels.
Students who recently completed the IDVP at this Ohio school have become librarians, lawyers, teachers, business owners, program managers and more. If you’re from out of state, you’ll pay about $18,500 per year at the University of Toledo, while tuition for Ohio residents is about $9,200 per year.
Shawnee State University
Another Ohio college that offers a degree in Individualized Studies is Shawnee State University. When you complete the program here, you’ll get a Bachelor of Individualized Studies (BIS) in about four years. To graduate with this degree, you’ll need 120 semester hours, with at least 30 coming from each area you study.
You can use your BIS to get any job that requires a college degree, especially in one of the areas you end up studying. Regardless of the career you’re after, you can expect to pay about $14,500 per year for tuition if you’re an out-of-state student, and $8,500 if you’re an Ohio resident.
These are just some of the Ohio colleges that offer an individualized studies program. If you’re interested in finding out more about if it’s the right option for you, feel free to contact local schools to schedule a tour and talk to an admissions counselor.