Monday, March 29, 2021, is National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day!
Mom and Pop Business Owners Day pays tribute to entrepreneurs and celebrates their essential role in fueling the U.S. economy.
According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, there are more than 27 million small businesses in the United States.
Define: Small Business Owner
According to an article on, a small business owner, a.k.a. an entrepreneur, is someone with an idea who has the desire, courage and financial backing to take their concept from the vision stage to becoming a full-fledged reality.
In addition, entrepreneurs are risk-taking trailblazers who defy convention and are not afraid to strike out on their own, regardless of the consequences.
An entrepreneur can be anyone — from an artist or a homemaker to an inventor or college student — who has a dream and a desire to work for themselves instead of someone else.
What makes Mom and Pop businesses unique?
They are in a position to establish personal, long-term relationships with their customers.
- They help support the local economy.
- They help boost tourism.
- They offer unique merchandise that major chain stores don’t.
What are some statistics on small businesses? compiled the following information from the U.S. Census, the Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics:
99.9% of all businesses in the United States are small businesses.
- Small businesses employ 59.9 million people.
- Small businesses employ 47.3 percent of the U.S. private workforce.
- From 2000 to 2018, small businesses created 9.6 million net new jobs while large businesses created 5.2 million.
- Small businesses account for 64.9% of net new jobs in the United States.
- 24,813,048 small businesses in the United States have no employees. The government calls these businesses “non-employer businesses.”
Where can I get the education I need to become an entrepreneur?
If you’re interested in becoming an entrepreneur, you should investigate Hocking College’s Business Management and Entrepreneurship program. In two years, you could graduate with an Associate of Applied Business in Business Management and Entrepreneurship degree.
What skills will I learn in this program?
- How to effectively use a computer to develop accounting records.
- How to make sound management decisions.
- How to understand the legal system applied to business.
- Develop and implement appropriate marketing strategies.
- Maintain high ethical standards in business dealings.
- Effectively perform the staffing process.
- Perform various analytical business tasks, and use effective quantitative skills in business activities.
What skills do you need to succeed in Hocking College’s program?
- Creativity
- Critical thinking skills
- Customer service skills
- Flexibility
- Focus
- Interpersonal skills
- Team-building skills
- Multitasking skills
- Optimism
For more information on Hocking College’s Business Management and Entrepreneurship program, contact Program Manager LaDora Ousley at one of the following: