Even though this process might sound relatively simple, filling out a job application online does require you to make certain preparations beforehand that will help make this procedure far less frustrating.
When preparing to complete an online application, make sure you have an up-to-date copy of your work resume. Applicants should also have a professional-looking cover letter that specifies what position you’re applying for, as well as a list that contains the names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of everyone you plan to use as a personal or professional reference.
Depending on the application, you might also need to provide a list that details the names, addresses and phone numbers of every school you’ve attended. You’ll also need to know the dates you attended each school and any degrees or awards you earned there. It is also encouraged that you have a pad and pen in case you need to draft a detailed response to a question.
Since most systems timeout after at least 30 minutes, you’ll need to not let too much time lapse while you’re fill out the application. Make sure you fill out every single field on the application-especially the Employment History section and periodically hit “SAVE” to record your entries on a page-by-page basis.
When in doubt, use the “HELP” section to help answer any questions you might have.
Once you’ve finished print out a copy of your application before you officially send it to a prospective employer. This way you can proof read your application and correct any errors you might have missed.
If you have any questions or concerns, visit the Career & University Center in John Light Hall or contact them via email at hccareer@hocking.edu.