Aside from being one of the only community college that offers on-campus housing, many of Hocking College’s students are commuters. For those that will be commuting for the first time this semester or for those that are seasoned commuters, here is a helpful list of items that every commuter student should have in their car.

1) A Variety of Chargers
There will be many times where your phone or computer will die and you'll be in desperate need of a charger. To avoid being that person who asks everyone to borrow their charger, make sure to pack a variety of charging devices, including phone, computer, wall, and car chargers.
2) An Emergency Car Kit
Your emergency car kit should include a first aid kit with bandages, ibuprofen, and other essentials, as well as car necessities like jumper cables, a flashlight, and nuts and bolts. You never know when you'll need these emergency items especially in Ohio weather.
3) A Blanket & Pillow
Sometimes, after a long day on campus, your friends will offer to let you crash in their dorm. Bring an extra blanket and pillow just in case. Also, if you have a lot of time gaps in your schedule, you can always take a power nap in your car. (Note: Blankets are especially good to have during the winter months when your car’s heater decides to stop working.)
4) An Extra Set of Clothes
Whether you end up staying the night on campus or you accidentally spill your coffee down your shirt, having an extra set of clothes in your car is always helpful. Aim for clothes that are comfortable, practical, and stylish and are suitable for most occasions.
5) Snacks

Sometimes you'll have to rush out the door in the morning and skip breakfast. Other times you will just be hungry. Either way, pack some non-perishable snacks such as trail mix or popped popcorn to save yourself some money on food.
6) Spare Cash
Always try to have $10 to $20 dollars in your wallet/purse at all times. This will come in handy when you need to fill up your gas tank or decide to eat on campus. You never know when you are going to need it.
7) Rain Gear
Ohio weather can change in the blink of an eye. Just because it wasn’t raining when you left your house, doesn’t mean that it won’t be raining in the next 5 minutes. Make sure to pack rain boots, a rain jacket, and an umbrella for those unexpected downpours.
8) A Map
You never know when there will be a car accident that will disrupt your commute to or from campus. Keeping an extra map of the area will come in handy in the event of emergencies, or when your phone dies because you didn’t pack a charger. It's also ideal to use when you need to find another way to campus.
9) Textbooks & Other Supplies
Even if you don’t have certain classes that day, bring all of your books and other studying necessities with you in case you have a large window of time in your schedule. Sometimes, classes get cancelled unexpectedly which leaves you with extra free time. Use this time to study and catch up on homework.
10) Parking Permit
Nothing is worse than getting a parking ticket because you either forgot your parking pass or your parking pass has expired. Keep track of your parking pass especially if you tend to switch cars that you use for your commute, and always make sure that your parking pass is up-to-date.
11) Updated Insurance
It's always important to keep a copy of your updated car insurance in case of unseen emergencies or accidents.
Being a commuter can be rough and sometimes it feels like you live out of your car. Use this list of commuter essentials to make your life a little bit easier this year and to have the best year yet.
Happy commuting!