Facing the prospect of getting through nursing school can be described in single word: intimidating! While the process of trying to earn a registered nursing degree or a practical nursing certificate can be demanding, there are some tips and tricks nursing students can take that will lessen any anxieties they may have. Below are 16 tips to help get you through nursing school.

- Stock up. Make sure you stock up on school supplies like highlighters, notebooks, flash cards, or computer paper beforehand so you won’t have to make any sudden shopping trips that might take you away from your studies.
- Go to class prepared. Make sure you’re as prepared as possible for every one of your classes by saving and following the syllabus. This will help you to stay on top of upcoming assignments.
- Sit in the front. Yes, we said it. Sitting in the front of all your classes will make you less prone to notice any potential distractions that might be going on behind you.
- Ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask questions in your classes, regardless of how silly you might think they sound.
- Join or create a study group. Seek out or create a study group. This will help you establish bonds with your fellow nursing students and solidify your commitment to your studies.
- Review your notes. After every class, take the time to rewrite and/or review any notes you might have taken. This will assure their accuracy and spare you from trying to decipher any notations you made in haste that might not appear legible later on.
- Challenge yourself. Be willing to test your academic limits. Taking on academic challenges you might have avoided in high school, like giving yourself enough time to prepare for a test, will help improve your GPA and build your self-confidence.
- Put your social life on hold. Be prepared to put your social life on hold for awhile. Decline any invitations during the week that could cause your studies to suffer.
- Divide and conquer. Break bigger projects into smaller ones. This will make those time-consuming projects like term papers easier to manage and successfully complete.
- Time management. Make a serious effort to start managing your time better and avoid giving into the urge to procrastinate at all costs.
- Find a mentor. Seek out a mentor who can offer you guidance and direction when you need it, preferably someone who has been through nursing school and can relate to everything you’re currently going through.
- Create a study schedule. Schedule designated study times during the week and stick to it. This will help sharpen your study habits and develop a regular study routine.
- Don't forget to energize. Make sure to eat three balanced meals a day and avoid indulging in unhealthy foods.
- It's OK to take a break. Give your brain a rest and enjoy some down time during the day by reading a book, taking a walk, or grabbing coffee with friends. Doing so will make you feel more energized and less stressed after taking a few moments to kick back and relax.
- Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water and make every effort to keep yourself hydrated during the day. This will help keep you feeling healthy and lessen your chances of catching a cold or other illnesses that might be going around.
- Stay focused on you. Don’t look at any of your fellow students as your competition and try to remember that the only person you have to worry about competing against is yourself.
This blog is part of a series in celebration of National Nurses Week which is held from May 6-12 every year.