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What Does Hocking College's Forest Management Program Offer?

by Tim Brunicardi on July 29, 2018

While having a sense of appreciation for nature is an important quality for a forest technician to have, you also need a variety of other skills in order to become a stand-out job candidate.

In conjunction, the best way for anyone pursuing this career path to obtain the additional skills they need is by attending a two-year school with an accredited technical forestry program like Hocking College. Students who enroll in Hocking College’s Associate of Applied Science in Forest Management degree program will learn the following skills:

  • Basic life support techniques (CPR)
  • Dendrology
  • Different careers in the forestry industry
  • Forest Ecology
  • Forest navigation and mapping
  • How to operate a park/forest/nature preserve in a cost effective manner
  • How to use a Global Positioning System (GPS)
  • How to identify different species of trees and plants
  • How to interpret aerial photographs and maps
  • How to prepare a land surveyP9290608

Why Enroll in Hocking College's Program?

There are several reasons why those looking to get into this field should enroll in Hocking College’s program, including:

  • The program is accredited by the Society of American Foresters (SAF)
  • Smaller class sizes means students will get more one-on-one time with their instructor(s)
  • The curriculum offers students a balance of both classroom time and hands-on training
  • Campus is located near Wayne National Forest, the only national forest in Ohio with over 300-miles of trails designated for hiking and horseback riding
  • Students will learn how to administer both first aid and CPR techniques
  • Students can obtain their degree in just four semesters
  • Graduates of the program will leave the institution qualified to fill a variety of different jobs in the field

Those interested in becoming a forest technician should check out Hocking College’s Forest Management program by contacting Program Manager Jim Harding by email: hardingj34491@hocking.edu or by phone: (740) 753-6090.

Forest Management