Last summer you successfully completed your first official internship. You worked for a boss who treated you well and gladly offered to give you a good reference.

Then when fall arrived, you went back to college assuming that you'd seek out another summer internship with a different company. Then, out of the blue, you get a call from your former boss inviting you to come back and work again this summer on another internship basis.
What should you do? Should you go back to the comfort and security of working for your old boss? Or are you tempted to try something completely different and more challenging?
The list below illustrates how choosing to accept a repeat internship has some definite advantages:
- You’ll be able to spend your summer doing something you already know you enjoy doing.
- You’re aware of the expectations that will be placed on you.
- You know of the drawbacks and downsides there are working for that company.
- Unless your job duties have changed, you won't need to be retrained.
- You may have developed new skills that you'll be able to test out in an environment you're comfortable in.
- You'll be returning with a new and fresh perspective.
- You can begin exploring additional training or certifications you might need.
- Returning to an employer increases the possibility of them offering you a job.
- It'll help you decide if your employer is truly someone you want to work for on a long-term basis.
- You know what to expect from your coworkers and can rebuild relationships with them.
- Gives you a chance to reexamine your previous role and potentially redefine your job duties.
- You may be able to work on a more independent basis than before.
- You can encourage the company you’re working for to participate in your college’s career fair.
- Doing two internships for one employer will look outstanding on your resume.
These are just a few advantages of returning to an internship. In the end, you'll have to decide whether returning to that same employer will help grow your skills and work experience for the better.