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Have you heard about Hocking College's QuickStart events? If so, but you're not quite sure what it is, this blog includes information about it and five reasons why you should attend one.DSC_0141

1) It's Convenient.

QuickStarts at Hocking College are convenient because it's a 
one-stop shop that allows you to accomplish the following tasks in a half-day:

  • Enroll for classes
  • Confirm financial aid awards and account balances
  • Tour campus
  • Secure on-campus housing if needed
  • Have your transcripts evaluated
  • Get any questions you may have answered

2) It's Simple.

Preparing for a QuickStart event is a very simple process. All you need to do beforehand is apply for admission and be accepted into Hocking College, as well as complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

3) You Don't Need to Bring Much.

When attending a QuickStart, you'll need to bring four (4) things with you, which are:

  • A form of photo identification such as a driver's license, state ID card, or school ID.
  • If you’re under 18, you'll need to bring a parent and/or legal guardian in order to register for classes.DSC_0014
  • A method of payment for tuition and fees at the time of registration.
  • A copy of your college transcript that you'd like to evaluate for transfer credit.

4) It's a Great Ice Breaker.

Attending a QuickStart is a great way to break the ice and will help you remember names and faces to members of Hocking College’s Administrative team, the College’s faculty & staff, and other students.

5) It Accommodates Non-Traditional Students.

These events accommodate the needs of non-traditional students with hectic schedules by providing them with the following advantages:

  • Eight chances to attend an event over a two-month period.
  • The choice of attending either a morning or afternoon session.
  • The option to stay up-to-date on Hocking College news by subscribing to email updates and the College’s daily blog.

How Do I Register For a QuickStart Event?

Those interested in attending a QuickStart event can visit the QuickStart webpage and complete the RSVP form at the bottom of the page.

For more information on any upcoming QuickStart events, contact the Hocking College Admissions Office by emailing admissions@hocking.edu or calling (740) 753-7050.

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