If you're looking to enter a police officer training academy in Ohio, you must be able to pass a series of tests that measure both your level of physical fitness, as well as your ability to pass a series of medical tests.

What Does the Physical Fitness Test Involve?
One of the first tests you'll need to pass is a physical fitness test, which is based on your age and gender. This test involves sit ups, push-ups, and a 1.5 mile run. To see what standards you'll need to meet, click here.
Once you've passed the physical fitness test, you should do your best to remain physically fit. During the academy, you will have three physical fitness classes each week. To be eligible to take the final state test, you will need to pass a much more stringent physical fitness test.
What Exercises Do I Need to be Able to Do?
Candidates will be expected to do three exercises to meet the very strict standards set by the Ohio Peace Officers Training Commission.
After you have passed the physical fitness pre-entrance testing, you must then pass the following additional tests:
- Medical physical
- Drug test
- Background check
The purpose of the background check is to make sure you have no serious felonies or misdemeanors in your past. For most offenses, the state looks back up to three years.
When Should I Apply to College?
You need to apply to the college of your choice while you're going through the previous mentioned tests. This way you can register for classes when you turn in your paperwork showing that you've passed the tests.

What’s the Role of a Law Enforcement Officer?
The role of a law enforcement officer is much more diverse than what most people assume. When students in the police academy are asked what area of law enforcement they would like to be in, most express an interest in becoming a K-9 officer, a city police officer, a county deputy sheriff, or a state trooper.
However, many more job opportunities exist for those in law enforcement than they might realize. Some of these job options are:
- Welfare fraud investigator
- Natural resources law enforcement
- College campus security
- Hospital security
- Airport security
- Crime scene investigator for the State of Ohio
- Fire investigator for the Ohio Fire Marshal’s Office
These additional career options await candidates who have successfully completed the Ohio Peace Officer Training Program at Hocking College.
How Else Can a Law Enforcement Officer Serve Their Community?
The other facet that most people don’t see as a part of law enforcement is the fact that most police officers are always helping people in their community. This may range from something small like opening a door at a business for a senior citizen, to helping someone change a car tire on the side of the road. This too awaits you when you obtain your police officer training certificate.
If you're interested in learning more about Hocking College’s Law Enforcement Officer Training program, contact POB Commander Roger Deardoff by email at deardoffr@hocking.edu or by phone at (740) 7353-6300.