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Students enrolled in Hocking College for Fall 2019 and are pell eligible may be eligible to receive the Career & Technical Scholarship. 

What's the Career & Technical Scholarship Program?

The Career & Technical Scholarship program is funded through the Horatio Alger Endowment Fund and awards students who've faced and overcome great obstacles in their lives who wish to pursue a career or technical education. The scholarship is up to $2,500 and students can request $625 for each eligible semester.

What Are the Eligibility Requirements?pexels-photo-401800

The eligibility requirements for this scholarship are that applicants must have completed high school or earned their GED; be under 30 years of age; be enrolled in an eligible program in Fall 2019; be a U.S. citizen; and demonstrate critical financial need.

In addition, applicants must exhibit a strong commitment to pursue and complete a career or technical program (up to 2-years) at an accredited non-profit, post-secondary institution in the United States.

What Can the Scholarship Be Used For?

Funds from this scholarship may be used for tuition, fees, books and supplies. All scholarship funds are paid directly to the institution on behalf of the recipient.

When is the Deadline to Apply?

Those interested in applying must submit their application by no later than June 15, 2019.

In order to be considered, applications and all required materials must be uploaded online by 5 p.m. EST on June 15. Late applications or documentation will not be accepted.

When Will Applicants Be Notified?

Only awardees will be notified via email and mail toward the end of July. A listing of recipients will also be posted online at scholars.horatioalger.org.

Who Can I Contact If I Have Questions?

Check out the scholarship's FAQ page for any questions you may have; however, if you cannot find the answer you're looking for you can email your question to scholar@horatioalger.org or call +1(800) 684-9040.

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