When most students graduate from college, they already have a game plan in mind as to what they’re going to do next. Some might be ready to take on a temporary summer job or internship. Others could already have a new job in their field of expertise lined up. Meanwhile, other graduates might be making plans to continue their education.
On the other hand, there are also those graduates who have made no future plans whatsoever. For them, getting through their last year of school was physically and emotionally draining that all they want to do is to kick back and take a long, open-ended vacation.
However, what these graduates might fail to realize is that eventually they’ll have to make some decisions about their future, or face the prospect of missing out on some great opportunities.
So in the interest of giving graduates who find themselves lacking a sense of direction, below are some options they can pursue.
Keep Your Summer Schedule Open

Not making any major plans over the summer will free you up in order to go on job interviews. This would also be an ideal time to collect any references or letters of recommendation you’ll need later on.
Consider Volunteering
If you’re in a position where you don’t have to find a job right away, volunteering to support a good cause will give you something constructive to do with your spare time. It will also look good on your resume.
Leave the Door Open to Return to College
If you have no immediate plans, it might be a good idea to check with the admissions office at your college of choice to see what the cut off dates are for you to enroll. This way if you do decide to go back to school you’ll have a better idea of how much time you have to take action on this option.
Polish Up Your Resume
Now that you have some time on your hands, this would be a great time to go over your resume and make any edits that need to be made.

Start the Networking Process
Once your resume has been updated, post it on job search sites such as LinkedIn, Monster.com, and Indeed. Doing this could potentially put you in touch with opportunities you may never have considered before.
Put Together a Job Interview Outfit
While you have the time, start shopping around for an outfit you can wear to job interviews. Even if you don’t have much of a budget, second-hand and consignment stores often offer a selection of pieces that could help you make a good first impression.
Clean Up Your Social Media Accounts
In the past, employers only based their decision to hire someone based on their experience and resume. However, more and more companies are taking what they see on your social media accounts into consideration before making their final decision. So, if there are any potentially career damaging comments, pictures, or posts on your social media accounts, now would be the time to delete them.
Develop a Daily Job Hunting Routine
Start devoting a few hours a day to checking your local newspaper, LinkedIn, and job search sites for any available positions. This will help you stay on top of job opportunities and give you a chance to respond to them as soon as possible.