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The Hocking College Experience

The Overflowing Opportunities in Water and Wastewater Management

by Tim Brunicardi

In high school did you excel in math and science? Would you be interested in a job that would not only benefit your community, but the entire planet as well? Does the prospect of following a career path that’s literally overflowing with opportunities for advancement sound tempting? Then you should become a wastewater manager.

If so, then you should become a wastewater manager by getting an Associate of Technical Study in Water and Wastewater Management.

Give it a Shot: Here's What It Takes to Become a Registered Nurse

by Tim Brunicardi

Do you want to become a registered nurse (RN)? The choice to pursue a career in this field will require applicants to perform certain job responsibilities and possess several qualities.

Web Development Program Focuses On Hired Education

by Tim Brunicardi

If you want to become a web developer, but learning in a traditional classroom setting doesn't appeal to you, Hocking College’s new Website and Application Development Program Manager, Wided Salhi, might change your mind.

The Search Is On: Find A Job After College

by Tim Brunicardi

As you head into your final year or semester of college, you face a new challenge: the job search. The search to finding a job after college can feel like a job in itself, but there are resources to help guide you to success.

Here’s how to get organized to find the career of your dreams.

A Balancing Act: How to Balance Work and College

by Tim Brunicardi

We all want to graduate from college with without massive amounts of student debt. We’d all like to have a clean start with our new degree and a real chance at achieving the American dream. This is why learning how to balance work and college can be so valuable to your future.

Some of us have worked hard for academic and athletic scholarships. Many of us are the fortunate recipients of grant money to help us get through our college years. A few of us can rely on family support to help make ends meet while we focus on our studies.

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