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The Hocking College Experience

What Is Agroecology?

by Tim Brunicardi

Have you heard of the term Agroecology? Have you ever wondered what is agroecology? Agroecology is the study of agriculture from an ecological perspective. This unique form of science is based on the recognition that agricultural areas are ecosystems that interact with and influence those neighboring them. The discipline of agroecology provides novel solutions where resources are limited.

14 Advantages Of Pursuing A Repeat Internship

by Tim Brunicardi

Last summer you successfully completed your first official internship. You worked for a boss who treated you well and gladly offered to give you a good reference. 

12 Tips For Your Summer Internship Search Strategy

by Tim Brunicardi

If you’re a college student in need of a summer internship and have no prospects in sight, what should you do? The following tips are designed to help you develop a job search-based strategy that could open the door to a virtual wealth of potential internship prospects.

Craft Yourself A Career In Fermentation Science

by Tim Brunicardi

Have you ever wanted to learn how to make your own beer, wine and spirits? Does the thought of turning what might start out as a fun hobby into your very own lucrative small business interest you? If this sounds like you then perhaps you should consider enrolling in Hocking College’s upcoming Fermentation Science program!

The Best Time To Look For A Summer Internship

by Tim Brunicardi

Normally, when most college students hear the phrase “summer job” they may imagine spending those summer months working at some boring, seasonal job. However, there is an alternative to summer job staples that can provide students with the chance to make headway into securing the job of their dreams.

How Hocking College’s eBook Series Can Benefit You

by Tim Brunicardi

By definition, an eBook is a book in a digital format that can be read on a computer or handheld device. In conjunction, it’s hard to deny that eBooks have certainly come a very long way in a relatively short period of time.

Take The Wheel: Getting Your Commercial Driver's License

by Tim Brunicardi

Are you intrigued by the prospect of becoming a professional truck driver? If this sounds like you then Hocking College offers a program designed to help you become a part of this thriving industry by getting your commercial driver's license.

Life After High School: Pursuing a Post Secondary Education

by Tim Brunicardi

What is Post Secondary Education?

Post secondary education is any form of education beyond high school. Technically this covers everything from technical and vocational schools, to four-year colleges, universities and graduate schools.

7 Advantages Of Becoming A Registered Nurse

by Tim Brunicardi

The History of Nursing.

Nursing has a rich and noble history with roots that can be traced back to the early Roman Empire and Middle Ages. Over time the ongoing contributions of advocates like sanitation reform pioneer-and founder of the modern nursing movement-Florence Nightingale, have helped nursing evolve into the challenging, rewarding and highly regarded profession it is today. Although no one can deny the contributions modern technology has made to the advancement of this profession, at its core nursing has always been a career that hinges on one person’s ability to gain another person’s complete confidence and trust.

What's the Catch? Becoming a Fish Management & Aquaculture Specialist

by Tim Brunicardi

Are you planning to pursue an Associate of Applied Science in Fish Management and Aquaculture Sciences degree? If so, below is a list of academic and physical requirements, job perks, career options and the benefits of studying at Hocking College.

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