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The Hocking College Experience

Careers Offered at Hocking College Make Ohio’s Top Job List

by Melinda Casilli

The Governor's Office of Workforce Transformation recently updated Ohio's Top Job list for 2022. Included are both in-demand and critical jobs for Ohio.

How to Become a Physical Therapist Assistant

by Tracey A. Maine

During National Physical Therapy Month, we’re putting the spotlight on our new Physical Therapist Assistant program manager Sam Coppoletti.

Former Meat Cutter Carves Out Career in Physical Therapy

by Tracey A. Maine

One day, Jason Perkins realized that his job at a meat farming and cutting business was seriously jeopardizing both his physical and emotional health. 

October is National Physical Therapy Month!

by Tracey A. Maine

Has anyone you cared about ever been in a serious accident that left them temporally immobilized or with limited mobility? Did they have a lengthy recovery process that eventually helped them get back on their feet again? The chances are that one of the people instrumental in helping your loved was a physical therapist.

Unique Gifts to Get For An Allied Health & Nursing Student Under $30

by Samantha Crist

Not sure what to get the student in your life who is studying one of our programs? Don't worry -- we've got you covered.

3 Common Employment Settings for Physical Therapy Assistants

by Tim Brunicardi

Are you interested in becoming a Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA), but not sure what type of employment setting is best for you? If so, this blog dives into the three common employment settings PTAs can choose from when working in the field.

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