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The Hocking College Experience

Get Your Career On Track: Become A Music Producer

by Tim Brunicardi

If music is your passion, you just might belong in the music industry. However, you don't have to be a famous singer or band member to make an impact on the musical world. Instead, consider becoming a music producer.

I Didn't Get Into College. Now What?

by Tim Brunicardi

You thought you had put together a great application. You wrote and rewrote your essay. You waited. 

And then the rejection letters came.

How Hocking College’s eBook Series Can Benefit You

by Tim Brunicardi

By definition, an eBook is a book in a digital format that can be read on a computer or handheld device. In conjunction, it’s hard to deny that eBooks have certainly come a very long way in a relatively short period of time.

Work With Animals: Become A Wildlife Manager

by Tim Brunicardi

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to wander through the wilderness to find and protect endangered species? What if that could be your job? That’s what it means to be a wildlife manager.

Wildlife managers have an interest in the environment, biodiversity, and protecting animals and our natural resources. In order to become one, you need the proper education, experience, attitude and skill set. If you have ever wanted to work with animals, this could be a great career for you!

Take The Wheel: Getting Your Commercial Driver's License

by Tim Brunicardi

Are you intrigued by the prospect of becoming a professional truck driver? If this sounds like you then Hocking College offers a program designed to help you become a part of this thriving industry by getting your commercial driver's license.

Life After High School: Pursuing a Post Secondary Education

by Tim Brunicardi

What is Post Secondary Education?

Post secondary education is any form of education beyond high school. Technically this covers everything from technical and vocational schools, to four-year colleges, universities and graduate schools.

10 Ways for Students to Combat Procrastination in the New Year

by Tim Brunicardi

A new year, a new semester. And it’s easy to start off a new semester with every intention of giving your education your full and undivided attention; however, it’s also hard not to get sidetracked and begin postponing those responsibilities to the point of unintentionally putting your grades at risk.

7 Advantages Of Becoming A Registered Nurse

by Tim Brunicardi

The History of Nursing.

Nursing has a rich and noble history with roots that can be traced back to the early Roman Empire and Middle Ages. Over time the ongoing contributions of advocates like sanitation reform pioneer-and founder of the modern nursing movement-Florence Nightingale, have helped nursing evolve into the challenging, rewarding and highly regarded profession it is today. Although no one can deny the contributions modern technology has made to the advancement of this profession, at its core nursing has always been a career that hinges on one person’s ability to gain another person’s complete confidence and trust.

The Overflowing Opportunities in Water and Wastewater Management

by Tim Brunicardi

In high school did you excel in math and science? Would you be interested in a job that would not only benefit your community, but the entire planet as well? Does the prospect of following a career path that’s literally overflowing with opportunities for advancement sound tempting? Then you should become a wastewater manager.

If so, then you should become a wastewater manager by getting an Associate of Technical Study in Water and Wastewater Management.

Open The Door To Your Future: Become A Realtor

by Tim Brunicardi

Real estate agents are people that work with individuals looking to buy or sell a piece of property.

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