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The Hocking College Experience

2018 Black Friday & Cyber Monday Shopping Guide

by Samantha Crist

With only a few more days left until two of the biggest shopping days of the year, we have decided to compile a list of some of the best Black Friday deals out there for our students, faculty, staff, and followers. 

Early Childhood Education Program Hosts Teaching Panel Discussion

by Tim Brunicardi

On Monday, November 5 Hocking College’s Early Childhood Education program sponsored a panel discussion in Oakley Hall called 100 Years of Teaching.

Things To Do Near Hocking College in November

by Tim Brunicardi

The passing of October means the holiday season is among us! From tree lightings to a harvest hoedown, here's a list of things to do near Hocking College this November that'll get you in the holiday spirit.

Hocking College's Computer Science Program Hosting GitHub Trainings

by Tim Brunicardi

Hocking College's Computer Science program will be hosting a 3-part series that will introduce students to GitHub. The trainings will take place in Oakley Hall from 6-8PM on the below dates:

Hocking College's Arts, Design & Marketing Program Hosting Free Movie Screening On Friday

by Tim Brunicardi

This Friday, November 2 there will be a free movie screening of the 2010 documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop in John Light Hall Room 195 at 5:30PM.

Things To Do Near Hocking College in October

by Tim Brunicardi

Pumpkins, apple cider, and haunted hayrides can only mean one thing... fall is officially here! With that, we've compiled a list of things to do near Hocking College this October that will guarantee a spooktacular time!

8 Tips for Staying Safe During Ohio's Hunting Season

by Tim Brunicardi

Staying safe is underrated, but staying safe while hunting is imperative. 

Summer Send Off: Things To Do During Labor Day Weekend

by Tim Brunicardi

With students back in school and public pools closing, the unofficial close to summer is creeping closer as Labor Day Weekend approaches. So, why not end summer with a bang? Here's a list of fun things to do around Hocking College for a proper summer send off.

11 Essential Things Every Commuting Student Should Have In Their Car

by Tim Brunicardi

Aside from being one of the only community college that offers on-campus housing, many of Hocking College’s students are commuters. For those that will be commuting for the first time this semester or for those that are seasoned commuters, here is a helpful list of items that every commuter student should have in their car.

A Guide to Hiking in the Hocking Hills

by Tim Brunicardi

The Hocking Hills is best known for its beautiful scenery, rolling hills, and relaxing atmosphere only found in Southeastern Ohio. Not only does the Hocking Hills area provide stunning landscapes and views, but it also offers different adventures to experience the wide countryside. A favorite among visitors and natives alike, hiking is one of the area’s most popular activities.

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