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The Hocking College Experience

Franklin University Launches New RN-to-BSN Program For RN Grads

by Tim Brunicardi

Franklin University recently unveiled their new program designed to help registered nurses (RN) obtain their Bachelor of Science in Nursing at a special price this fall.

Do EMS Workers Need A College Degree?

by Tim Brunicardi

A recent post on EMS World addressed the following question — do EMS workers necessarily need to pursue getting a college degree?

Stubbornness & Persistence Takes Student from Farmer to Computer Science Major

by Tim Brunicardi

When Southern Ohio native Andrea Chatfield moved to Athens in 2012, her ambition was to become an organic farmer. Then, three years later, an unexpected shoulder injury led her to a pivotal crossroads moment in her life.

Adventures Abroad: Hocking College Culinary Students Depart For Italy

by Tim Brunicardi

Thirteen students from Hocking College's Culinary Program and Master Chef Vincenzo “Enzo” Sclama departed for a trip to Northern Italy on Sunday, May 26.

The Benefits of Getting a College Degree in the Computer Science Industry

by Tim Brunicardi

While there are many self-taught people who enter the computer science industry without a degree, there are many advantages to having one which could ultimately make the difference between getting a job and having a career.

10 Reasons Why First-Year Hocking College Students Should Attend Smart Start

by Tim Brunicardi

Are you nervous about starting college? Are you worried about getting lost on campus or making new friends? If you can relate to these anxieties, then you should consider signing up for Hocking College's Smart Start.

Things To Do Near Hocking College in June

by Hocking College Contributing Writer

It's finally June and schools are out for the summer. So, what should one do with all that time off?

Amp Up Your Career By Becoming An Electrician

by Tim Brunicardi

If you're ready to jumpstart your career, you should consider becoming an electrician. Hocking College offers an Associate of Technical Study in Construction Management: 
Commercial & Residential Electricity for those interested in becoming one.

Hocking College's Girls Who Rock & Code Club to Meet During the Summer

by Tim Brunicardi

Hocking College’s Girls Who Rock and Code Club has received confirmation that the College’s chapter of Girls Who Code will meet weekly during the summer beginning June 6 through August 1.

The Advantages of Becoming an Electrical Construction Manager

by Tim Brunicardi

Looking for a solid career to get into? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, between 2016-2026 there’ll be 59,600 new positions created for an electrical construction manager.

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