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The Hocking College Experience

4 Ways Students Can Get a Better Night's Sleep in College

by Hocking College Contributing Writer

College students may not be known for their stellar sleeping habits, but that doesn’t mean you should suffer from insomnia. Between a noisy dorm setting and an unfamiliar sleeping space, you may find yourself lying awake at night. It’s no wonder why as much as 70% of college students aren't sleeping enough.

11 Exercises Beneficial For Those Who Suffer From Diabetes

by Tim Brunicardi

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 100 million Americans are living with diabetes (30.3 million) or prediabetes (84.1 million).

Best & Worst Foods For Those Who Suffer From Diabetes

by Tim Brunicardi

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 100 million Americans are living with diabetes (30.3 million) or prediabetes (84.1 million).

5 New Year's Resolutions for College Students

by Hocking College Contributing Writer

Now that Christmas has passed, it's time to start thinking about New Year's Resolutions. This tradition is said to have started with the Babylonians some 4,000 years ago when they would crown or reaffirm a king, as well as make promises to the gods to pay their debts and return any objects they had borrowed. While the tradition of New Year's Resolutions still carries on today, the promises being made now are to ourselves instead.

What to Expect When Donating Blood

by Tim Brunicardi

According to the American Red Cross, every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs bloodUnfortunately, the American Red Cross is currently experiencing a severe blood shortage and is seeking both blood and platelet donations.

13 Tips For Staying Sober This Holiday Season

by Tim Brunicardi

The holiday season can be an extremely stressful time of year, especially if you just got out of a recovery program and are sober. While getting together with family and friends may have seemed harmless in the past, you could be putting your recovery at risk if alcohol is being served at any holiday function. Therefore, if this is your first holiday season sober, here are 13 tips to help you get through it sober.

National Diabetes Awareness Month: How To Manage Diabetes

by Tim Brunicardi

Since November is National Diabetes Month, we're exploring topics on this disease which currently effects nearly 30.3 million Americans. This third and final blog discusses how to manage diabetes.

National Diabetes Awareness Month: The Difference Between Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes

by Tim Brunicardi

Since November is National Diabetes Month, we're exploring topics on this disease which currently effects nearly 30.3 million Americans. This second blog discusses the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes.

National Diabetes Awareness Month: What Is Diabetes?

by Tim Brunicardi

Since November is National Diabetes Month, our next three blogs are dedicated to exploring this disease which currently effects nearly 30.3 million Americans. This first blog discusses the topic of what diabetes is.

How to Protect Yourself During Flu Season

by Tim Brunicardi

Winter is coming, which only means one thing... flu season! Those students who are pursuing a career in health care are required to get a flu vaccination. Why? Because health care personnel frequently provide care to others who are at an increased risk of infection (such as newborns and the elderly), so it's important for them to get immunizations to break the chain of infection. The reason for vaccinations against the flu is because it's easily transmitted from person-to-person, as well as from inanimate objects such as tabletops, cell phones, door knobs, keyboards, etc.

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