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The Hocking College Experience

New Global Report Reveals IT Skills & Salary Expectations

by Tim Brunicardi

Global Knowledge’s 2018 Information Technology Skills & Salary Report recently reported that IT professionals in the United States earn higher salaries than any of their counterparts across the globe.

Substance Abuse Counselors: Where Do They Work & What Do They Do?

by Tim Brunicardi

Do you know someone who was addicted to alcohol or drugs and sought treatment? If so, then they may have seen a substance abuse counselor.

10 Ways to Achieve an Entrepreneurial Mindset

by Tim Brunicardi

If you have aspirations of one day becoming an entrepreneur, the best way to begin is by starting to think like one.

The Top 12 Careers For Introverts & Extroverts

by Tim Brunicardi

Do you find yourself shy around others and enjoy spending time to yourself? Or are you outgoing and prefer to spend time with others? Depending on your answer, you may be an introvert or extrovert.

What You Need To Know About Becoming A Medical Laboratory Technician

by Tim Brunicardi

Are you interested in a career in health care? If so, have you considered becoming a medical laboratory technician (MLT)? MLTs are laboratory’s generalists who work under the supervision of pathologists or laboratory technologists/scientists.

Hocking College NR Graduate Named New Park District Director

by Tim Brunicardi

Hocking College graduate, Josh Dyer, from the Natural & Historical Interpretation program is now the director of the Crawford Park District located in Crestline, Ohio.

Hocking College Students Make Annual Trek to Canada's Haliburton Forest

by Tim Brunicardi

Twenty-five years ago, Hocking College and Haliburton Forest and Wildlife Reserve met at a wildlife conference and formed a partnership to benefit the students, the College, and the nearly 100,000-acre Haliburton Forest.

New Amazon Software Will Increase Hospital Efficiency

by Tim Brunicardi

According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, Amazon is currently selling software that’s capable of extracting health-oriented information from documents and unstructured text.

Hocking College's Cybersecurity Program & Franklin University Form 3+1 Partnership

by Tim Brunicardi

Students in Hocking College’s Cybersecurity and Network Systems program now have a more convenient route towards earning their bachelor’s degree thanks to the new 3+1 partnership with Franklin University.

Job Opportunities For Female Chefs Are On The Rise

by Tim Brunicardi

Culinary history was made when Chef Dominique Crenn is best known for gaining three Michelin stars for her restaurant, Atelier Crenn, in San Francisco, CA. Three Michelin stars is the highest accolade that can be awarded.

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