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The Hocking College Experience

Early Childhood Education Program Hosts Teaching Panel Discussion

by Tim Brunicardi

On Monday, November 5 Hocking College’s Early Childhood Education program sponsored a panel discussion in Oakley Hall called 100 Years of Teaching.

What Does It Take to Enter a Police Academy Training Program?

by Tim Brunicardi

If you're looking to enter a police officer training academy in Ohio, you must be able to pass a series of tests that measure both your level of physical fitness, as well as your ability to pass a series of medical tests.

Why Writing Skills Are Important in the Business World

by Tim Brunicardi

In the global workforce, effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills are essential survival tools that every business professional needs. However, nothing has the potential to derail a promising business person’s career more so than poor writing skills.

3 Common Employment Settings for Physical Therapy Assistants

by Tim Brunicardi

Are you interested in becoming a Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA), but not sure what type of employment setting is best for you? If so, this blog dives into the three common employment settings PTAs can choose from when working in the field.

2018 Veterans Day Deals & Discounts

by Tim Brunicardi

Sunday, November 11 is Veterans Day, a day dedicated to pay tribute to all American veterans, living or dead. Veterans Day originated as Armistice Day back on November 11 in 1919 for being the first anniversary since the end of World War I. Congress later passed a resolution in 1926 for an annual observance, which moved to have November 11 become a national holiday beginning in 1938.

5 Trends That Could Improve Your Business in 2019

by Tim Brunicardi

If your dream is to one day become a small business owner, rest assured that over the course of your career you’re going to have to make many decisions that could ultimately help decide if your venture succeeds or fails.

10 Ways to Prepare Your Business for the Trends of 2019

by Tim Brunicardi

If your goal is to one day become a small business owner, then you need to learn about the importance of trends and how they could affect your future business decisions.

Hawk's Nest Dining Switches From Plastic to Paper Straws

by Tim Brunicardi

By now you’ve probably noticed that plastic straws are nowhere to be found in the Hawk’s Nest Dining area. But, are you aware of why this switch from plastic to paper straws was made? This blog will help explain the reasoning behind this change and how it will ultimately improve our environment.

How the Cybersecurity Industry Can Help Keep Your Health Information Confidential

by Tim Brunicardi

According to a recent post on the Healthcare Information & Management Systems Society’s (HIMSS) webpage, the biggest threat facing the health care industry doesn’t come in the form of a disease. To the contrary, it comes in the form of computer hackers who are skilled in the art of stealing confidential patient information.

Hocking College's Art, Design & Marketing Program Kicks Off Mentorship Week

by Tim Brunicardi

Beginning today and running through Wednesday, Oct. 24, Hocking College art students will volunteer to take on a prospective mentee who'll shadow them for a day. According to the Art, Design & Marketing Program Manager, Whitney Goller, between six to nine students from different high schools will be taking part in this event.

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