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The Hocking College Experience

Things To Do Near Hocking College in November

by Tim Brunicardi

The passing of October means the holiday season is among us! From tree lightings to a harvest hoedown, here's a list of things to do near Hocking College this November that'll get you in the holiday spirit.

Hocking College's Computer Science Program Hosting GitHub Trainings

by Tim Brunicardi

Hocking College's Computer Science program will be hosting a 3-part series that will introduce students to GitHub. The trainings will take place in Oakley Hall from 6-8PM on the below dates:

Hocking College's Arts, Design & Marketing Program Hosting Free Movie Screening On Friday

by Tim Brunicardi

This Friday, November 2 there will be a free movie screening of the 2010 documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop in John Light Hall Room 195 at 5:30PM.

Hawk's Nest Dining Switches From Plastic to Paper Straws

by Tim Brunicardi

By now you’ve probably noticed that plastic straws are nowhere to be found in the Hawk’s Nest Dining area. But, are you aware of why this switch from plastic to paper straws was made? This blog will help explain the reasoning behind this change and how it will ultimately improve our environment.

How to Become a Natural Resources Law Enforcement Officer in Ohio

by Tim Brunicardi

Employees in the Natural Resources (NR) Law Enforcement field are entrusted with the duty of defending some of the most scenic locations on Earth from threats such as poachers and anyone breaking environmental protection laws.

Hocking College Culinary Students Get a Taste of Germany

by Tim Brunicardi

Eleven Hocking College Culinary students, Master Chef Vincenzo Sclama, and a chaperon spent two weeks exploring the country of Germany this past June.

Giving Back on National Make a Difference Day

by Tim Brunicardi

Tomorrow (October 27) is National Make a Difference Day in which thousands of volunteers will give back to their local communities. This day encourages people to take one day out of the year to try to make a difference in the world.

How the Growth in Fish Farming is Leading to Healthier Eating Habits

by Tim Brunicardi

According to a Feed4Thought survey, over the past five years, 44% of American and British consumers have been choosing fish over poultry, beef, and pork when it comes to their eating habits. As a result, the fish farming industry is growing and becoming more in demand.

10 Tips to Keeping Your Information Safe When Buying Online

by Tim Brunicardi

Online shopping clearly has its advantages, the first being the convenience of shopping anywhere and at anytime. This process also allows consumers to shop around for the best bargains and have their purchases delivered directly to their doorstep.

Hocking College's Art, Design & Marketing Program Kicks Off Mentorship Week

by Tim Brunicardi

Beginning today and running through Wednesday, Oct. 24, Hocking College art students will volunteer to take on a prospective mentee who'll shadow them for a day. According to the Art, Design & Marketing Program Manager, Whitney Goller, between six to nine students from different high schools will be taking part in this event.

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