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The Hocking College Experience

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month Aims to Educate Americans of Online Threats

by Tim Brunicardi

Back in 2004, the month of October officially became recognized as National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. This was launched by the National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCSA) and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as a means to help all Americans become more aware of the dangers of being online.

Shining A Light On World Mental Health Day

by Tim Brunicardi

Presented by the World Federation for Mental Health and supported by the United Nations, today is World Mental Health Day (WMHD) which focuses on raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health. This year's theme is “Young People and Mental Health in a Changing World.”

Imagine a Day Without Water Campaign Kicks Off October 10

by Tim Brunicardi

Have you ever considered what it would be like to wake up one morning and discover that you had no water to brush your teeth, take a shower, or even make a pot of coffee?

Hocking College & Tri-County Partner to Cultivate New Garden Project

by Tim Brunicardi

Community Food Initiatives, which is a recent partnership between Hocking College’s Agroecology program and Tri-County Career Center’s (TCC) Culinary Arts program, will be supplying local non-profits and food banks with fresh, home-grown vegetables.

Everything You Need to Know About Fire Prevention Week

by Tim Brunicardi

Today kicks off Fire Prevention Week which runs until Saturday October, 13. In accordance with this year’s theme, Fire Prevention Week encourages everyone to develop the following fire safety habits:

Top 7 Streaming Services When Listening to Music

by Tim Brunicardi

Thanks to music streaming services, music lovers now have access to their favorite tunes from their favorite artists anywhere, anytime 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Dining Etiquette 101: A Guide to Surviving a Business Lunch or Dinner

by Tim Brunicardi

Whether it's with a client, your boss, or a business recruiter, talking business outside the office can be both enjoyable and productive. One way of doing this is by talking business over lunch or dinner; however, with this business outing comes some dining etiquette one should always follow.

Hocking College’s Cannabis Lab Technician Program Receives HLC Accreditation

by Tim Brunicardi

On Friday, Sept. 21 Hocking College received accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) to move forward with their new Cannabis Lab Technician program. This decision gives Hocking College the distinction of being the first institution of higher learning in the U.S. to offer an associate degree program of this nature.

Free Movie Screening — Big Eyes (Starring: Amy Adams & Christoph Waltz)

by Tim Brunicardi

The Art, Design, & Marketing Program is hosting a free movie night this Friday, October 5, of the 2014 film, Big Eyes, which will take place at 5:30 p.m. in John Light Hall (room 195).

Things To Do Near Hocking College in October

by Tim Brunicardi

Pumpkins, apple cider, and haunted hayrides can only mean one thing... fall is officially here! With that, we've compiled a list of things to do near Hocking College this October that will guarantee a spooktacular time!

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