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The Hocking College Experience

The Physical & Mental Health Benefits of Medical Cannabis

by Tim Brunicardi

Even though more than half of the U.S. states and the District of Columbia have legalized cannabis in some form, the word cannabis still has a bad rap for some. However, there are several benefits to the cannabis plant, especially for those with physical and mental conditions.

Create a Colorful Future With a Career in Art, Design, & Marketing

by Tim Brunicardi

Are you creative and classify yourself as artistic? Do you excel in drawing, painting, glassblowing, photography, or graphic design? Are you intrigued by the prospect of learning how to develop your own portfolio? Have you been searching for a career path that would support you and fulfill your creative aspirations? If so, you should consider getting into the art, design, and marketing field.

Opportunity is Knocking: Applying for the SquareFoot Scholarship

by Tim Brunicardi

Do you have a passion for real estate, technology, and entrepreneurship? If so, you may want to apply for SquareFoot's $5,000 scholarship.

7 Ways to Stay Connected With Your Alma Mater

by Tim Brunicardi

Hocking College is always eager to connect with former students. The opportunities to explore campus, meet current students, discover job openings, and much more are all available through the many programs that Hocking College has designed for alumni. Here are seven ways for alumni to engage with their alma mater.

Cracking the Code to Your Future: Becoming a Web Developer

by Tim Brunicardi

If you've ever thought about creating your own website or an app, perhaps Hocking College’s web development program is for you. In only two years, you could graduate with an Associate of Applied Science in Website & Application Development degree.

New Scholarship Geared Towards Helping Female Artists/Entrepreneurs

by Tim Brunicardi

Are you a female artist and/or entrepreneur? If so, you'll want to take full advantage of the Vandômian Scholarship for Women

Building Yourself a Career in the Construction Industry

by Tim Brunicardi

According to a recent report from Fox Business, 80% of U.S. construction firms aren’t able to fill both hourly and salaried positions with qualified job applicants.

10 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Tutoring Session

by Tim Brunicardi

Do you want to succeed in your classes? Have you found a tutor? Are you happy with your progress during your tutoring sessions? Getting the most out of a tutoring session can sometimes be hard for students and tutors alike. Let these 10 tips and tricks help you and your tutor benefit from your tutoring sessions.

Summer Send Off: Things To Do During Labor Day Weekend

by Tim Brunicardi

With students back in school and public pools closing, the unofficial close to summer is creeping closer as Labor Day Weekend approaches. So, why not end summer with a bang? Here's a list of fun things to do around Hocking College for a proper summer send off.

Passion Planner Donates Personal Organizers To Web App Students

by Tim Brunicardi

Students enrolled in Hocking College's Website & Application Development program this fall will receive a Passion Planner personal organizer.

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