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The Hocking College Experience

Tracey A. Maine

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How Customer Service Skills Can Help your Career

by Tracey A. Maine

Customer service refers to the service-oriented approaches a business uses to encourage a personal one-on-one relationship with past, present and future customers.

MLK's Life and Legacy Celebrated Jan. 18

by Tracey A. Maine

Since Nov. 2, 1986, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day has been celebrated as a national holiday on the third Monday in January. On this day, our nation celebrates King's life and legacy as a revered orator, minister and voice of the modern American Civil Rights Movement. 

Hocking College YouTube Channel Highlights Programs, Students & Alumni

by Tracey A. Maine

Have you visited Hocking College’s YouTube channel?

Bloomberg Article: Entrepreneurship Is Booming!

by Tracey A. Maine

A recent Bloomberg News article detailed how the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a surge of entrepreneurial ventures in the U.S.

Fashion Industry Offers Stylish Response to Pandemic

by Tracey A. Maine

When healthcare professionals everywhere were waiting for the personal protective equipment they needed to help combat the COVID-19 pandemic, the fashion industry was there to prevent the fabric of their community from unraveling.

Five Holiday Films You Should Watch this Year

by Tracey A. Maine

What’s your all-time favorite Christmas movie?

Ousley Heads Business and Entrepreneurship Program

by Tracey A. Maine

LaDora Ousley is the new Program Manager for Hocking College’s Business Management and Entrepreneurship Program!

Lost Hiker Incident Spotlights Need for Hiking Preparedness

by Tracey A. Maine

Recently, California resident Holly Suzanne Courtier gained national attention when she mysteriously disappeared during a hike. What started as a trek in Zion National Park in Utah resulted in Courtier vanishing for almost two weeks.

How to Commemorate the 79th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor

by Tracey A. Maine

Dec. 7, 2020, is National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.

Doctor Offers Tricks to Treat Foggy Glasses

by Tracey A. Maine

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, people all over the world were encouraged to take certain precautions geared to slow the spread of the virus.

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