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The Hocking College Experience

Little Lending Library Available in Academic Success Center

by Matt Berry

NELSONVILLE—Need a new children's book for your kids? Or maybe you need to use a children's book for a class? Or has it just been way too long since you've read "Goodnight Moon"?

Want to Learn to Type? Campus Library to Offer Self-Paced Classes

by Tracey A. Maine

So, you never learned how to type, or your skills have declined?

Library and Academic Support Offer Free Online Tutoring to Students

by Tim Brunicardi

Looking for a study buddy? This year, all Hocking College students will have access to free online tutoring, courtesy of a partnership with the Ohio eTutoring Collaborative.

To Type Or Not To Type? Writing vs. Typing Out Your Class Notes

by Tim Brunicardi

Where do you stand when it comes to taking notes in class? Do you prefer writing them out longhand or do you prefer typing them on a laptop? This blog will help examine the benefits of both methods.

TRiO Talent Search Students Visit the Windy City

by Tim Brunicardi

Thirty students and four staff members from the TRiO Talent Search Program embarked on a cultural enrichment trip to Chicago on June 4-6.

Celebrating National Library Week (April 7-13)

by Tim Brunicardi

Traditionally, National Library Week is a time to shine a much needed spotlight on the essential part libraries, librarians, and library workers play in bringing their respective communities together.

5 New Year's Resolutions for College Students

by Hocking College Contributing Writer

Now that Christmas has passed, it's time to start thinking about New Year's Resolutions. This tradition is said to have started with the Babylonians some 4,000 years ago when they would crown or reaffirm a king, as well as make promises to the gods to pay their debts and return any objects they had borrowed. While the tradition of New Year's Resolutions still carries on today, the promises being made now are to ourselves instead.

13 Apps Every College Student Should Have

by Tim Brunicardi

An app, which is short for software application, is a computer program designed to run on a mobile device such as a phone, tablet, or watch. These apps are tools to help us in every day life including travel, health/fitness, entertainment, productivity, news, education, and more. But with over 2 million apps in the iOS App Store and over 3 million apps in Google Play, how is one to know which apps can be beneficial to them?

Fake News: How to Spot a Reliable Source

by Tim Brunicardi

Fake News took the world by storm in 2016 and is still a major issue for many social media sites and search engines.

10 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Tutoring Session

by Tim Brunicardi

Do you want to succeed in your classes? Have you found a tutor? Are you happy with your progress during your tutoring sessions? Getting the most out of a tutoring session can sometimes be hard for students and tutors alike. Let these 10 tips and tricks help you and your tutor benefit from your tutoring sessions.

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