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The Hocking College Experience

Lost Hiker Incident Spotlights Need for Hiking Preparedness

by Tracey A. Maine

Recently, California resident Holly Suzanne Courtier gained national attention when she mysteriously disappeared during a hike. What started as a trek in Zion National Park in Utah resulted in Courtier vanishing for almost two weeks.

HIM Program Manager Named National Proposal Reviewer

by Matt Berry

Jade Cover, program manager for Hocking College's Healthcare Informatics program, has been selected as a national proposal reviewer for Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society's 2021 National Health Conference. Cover will review proposals related to data and analytics.

Holtzman publishes new text book on environmental ethics

by Matt Berry

NELSONVILLE, Ohio — It was a beautiful winter’s day in early 2020. Snow covered the trails at Conkle’s Hollow State Nature Preserve, as icicles shimmed in the sunlight.

How to Commemorate the 79th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor

by Tracey A. Maine

Dec. 7, 2020, is National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.

Doctor Offers Tricks to Treat Foggy Glasses

by Tracey A. Maine

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, people all over the world were encouraged to take certain precautions geared to slow the spread of the virus.

Rosa Parks Legacy Honored on Dec. 1

by Tracey A. Maine

Today the state of Ohio celebrates Rosa Parks Day!

Hocking College is Gearing up to Debut New Data Analytics Program

by Tracey A. Maine

Soon, Hocking College will begin offering a Data Analytics degree program.

Alzheimer's Awareness Highlighted in November

by Tracey A. Maine

November is National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month.

How to Wrap up a Holiday Job

by Tracey A. Maine

If you're a college student with no significant plans for the winter break, now is the ideal time to begin searching for a temporary holiday job.

Student and Instructor Featured in National Art Show

by Matt Berry

As graduation draws near for Paige Fox, she’s excited to jump into a career as a professional artist.

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