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The Hocking College Experience

Hocking College's Faculty Spotlight: Susan Dietz

by Tim Brunicardi

Although becoming a teacher wasn’t Hocking College Professor Susan Dietz ‘s original plan, thanks to the intervention of an insightful instructor, she changed course and embarked on a career in education that’s spanned over 35 satisfying years.

Hocking College Trustees Pass New Education Guarantee Program

by Tim Brunicardi

Recently the Hocking College Board of Trustees approved a new program devised to help encourage both enrollment growth at the college and confidence in its new and existing programs.

Hocking College's 2+2 Articulation Agreement For Criminal Justice

by Tim Brunicardi

Hocking College currently has two individual 2+2 articulation agreements with both the University of Cincinnati and Ohio University's Criminal Justice programs. But what exactly is this agreement and how does it benefit you? Continue reading on to find out.

Hocking College Introduces New Welding Program

by Tim Brunicardi

Beginning in summer 2018, Hocking College’s Logan Campus will begin offering an advanced welding certification program. This intense 16-week course will provide students with beginner-to-advanced training in welding, along with chances to qualify for some additional certifications.

5 Things To Do Locally For Spring Break

by Tim Brunicardi

Warmer temperatures, rain showers, and the sound of birds chirping can only mean one thing, spring is coming! And while a number of people are celebrating the near ending of winter, others are able to escape the cooler temps by heading somewhere warm for spring break. While some students may be hitting the road to the beach, others will be staying put. Below is a list of five things to do for those staying local.

What You Should Know About Hocking’s New Bordering States’ Scholarship

by Tim Brunicardi

Are you a high school senior who's ready to move out on your own after graduation and would like to continue your education, but have no interest in attending a four-year college? Has your search for a good technical college in your area left you discouraged? Is the only thing holding you back from attending a two-year college in another state the prospect of you having to pay thousands of extra dollars in out-of-state-tuition?

Get Colonial: Harvest Hootenanny Will Celebrate SE Ohio History

by Tim Brunicardi

Did you ever wonder what nineteenth-century pioneers did for fun?

On Saturday October 28th, 2017, Hocking College’s Interp Club is going to answer that very question at their first official Harvest Hootenanny!

Things to Do In Nelsonville, Ohio

by Tim Brunicardi

If you’re thinking of attending Hocking College to get your two-year degree in Ohio, it’s a good idea to make sure there is plenty to do nearby.

HB 523: Medical Cannabis at Hocking College

by Tim Brunicardi

Hocking College offering to serve as medical cannabis testing site for State of Ohio

Nelsonville, Ohio, September 5, 2017 – Hocking College is announcing its intention to fulfill Ohio law as the research facility for the State of Ohio’s Medical Cannabis testing laboratory.

Eating Local: Athens, Ohio and Its Locavore Movement

by Tim Brunicardi

In recent years, the push to eat local and support local businesses has grown. The importance of eating local is glaringly evident as ethical and efficiency issues with industrial farming come to light. Local food systems are becoming more respected and more prominent, and creating a movement as they grow.

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