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The Hocking College Experience

Getting Fired: 5 Ways To Turn It From A Negative To A Positive Experience

by Tim Brunicardi

Getting fired from a job is one of the few experiences in life that can affect you on a multitude of levels, ranging from emotional to financial. While being dismissed from a job can be devastating, many times this can turn out to be an unexpected blessing in disguiseFurthermore, embracing being let go can prevent you from allowing a potential turning point to turn into a point of no return. Listed below are some suggestions that might help you consider the positive aspects of being fired.

11 Ways Computer Assisted Coding is Beneficial to the Health Information Management Industry

by Tim Brunicardi

In today's society, computer assisted coding (CAC) systems are changing the way the health information management industry utilizes medical coding. But what exactly is computer assisted coding and how does it work?

Hocking's Welding Program: What Kind of Protective Wear Will You Need?

by Tim Brunicardi

Students planning to enroll in Hocking College’s new Welding program have the opportunity to obtain the skills and hands-on training they need to successfully become a part of this thriving industry.

You're Fired! 5 Ways To Handle Getting Fired

by Tim Brunicardi

There may come a time in your life where you'll have to face the humbling prospect of getting fired from a job. However, what many don’t realize is how you handle losing a job can have a major effect on when, and if, you ever get hired again.

Can Professional Certificates Really Help You Succeed?

by Tim Brunicardi

Nowadays the job market becomes more and more competitive every passing second. This puts the pressure on job seekers to do whatever they can to set themselves apart from their competition. But what can a recent college graduate do to make themselves stand out in a virtual sea of job applicants? The easiest ways they can accomplish this is by obtaining a specific, job-related certification.

Today Begins National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week

by Tim Brunicardi

What is National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week?

National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week, which begins today and runs through Saturday, April 28, is a time when the medical community recognizes the contributions pathologists and laboratory professionals make to the healthcare industry.

Don't Be That Guy: 12 Ways To Avoid Getting Fired

by Tim Brunicardi

The process of getting a job can take weeks, sometimes months. There’s the lengthy application process followed by a series of nail-biting interviews. Next there’s an agonizing period of waiting till you finally get the call that informs you that you’ve been hired.

Lights. Camera. Action! Hocking's New Film And Video Production Program

by Tim Brunicardi

Have you ever fantasized about working in the film industry? Would you be interested in finding out more about how movies are made, and what goes on behind the scenes on a film set? Are you interested in learning skills that could potentially help you break into this business and start building a career?

Hocking College's 2+2 Articulation Agreement For Criminal Justice

by Tim Brunicardi

Hocking College currently has two individual 2+2 articulation agreements with both the University of Cincinnati and Ohio University's Criminal Justice programs. But what exactly is this agreement and how does it benefit you? Continue reading on to find out.

How to Prepare for an Interview (and Land the Job)

by Tim Brunicardi

Before leaving college it is imperative that you know how to interview to put your best foot forward.

Below are some quick tips that will teach you how to prepare for your interview and knock it out of the park.

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